Sunday, February 4, 2007

I found a new YA author

I was looking at different authors myspace pages and found and author names Frances Lynn. She has a book out called "CRUSHED", I liked the cover so I bought the e-book and it was really good. The book is based in England, so there were a few words and slang that I had to think about to get but I would reccomend it to adults and teens 12 and older. Here's the synopsis:

Door and her twin sister get along - just about. But Door has misgivings. She is tall and thin like a beanpole, her sister is petite and beautiful. How on earth can they be family? Door starts to believe she's from another planet - or else the rest of the family is from outer space.
Read the stirring saga of the ungainly sibling who suddenly turns into a beautiful swan - and the incredible secret of her birth!

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